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should yoga be made compulsory in school


Should Yoga be made compulsory in schools?

                              Take a look around you, and you will find that whether it is adults or the children, they are busy with their tech devices. Children keep on playing games on their personal computer or mobiles whenever they get time. Adults are busy with other entertainment stuff on their tech devices. In a tech savvy world, children are getting lazier. They are suffering from health problems at a very early age. Seeing the present conditions, should Yoga be made compulsory in schools?
                      Children are more loaded with the burden of study in the present day competitive world where parents wants them to come at top slot at activity.In the age where everything is open on the internet, yoga helps the children to gain control over their mind and body in all the aspects.
                       In the age where everything is open on the internet, yoga helps the children to gain control over their mind and body in all the aspects.
                   Image result for images of yoga


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