According to the National Crime Records Bureau of India, reported incidents of crime against women increased 6.4% during 2012, and a crime against a woman is committed every three minutes.In 2012, there were 244,270 reported incidents of crime against women, while in 2011, there were 228,650 reported incidents Of the women living in India, 7.5% live in West Bengal where 12.7% of the total reported crime against women occurs.[1] Andhra Pradesh is home to 7.3% of India's female population and accounts for 11.5% of the total reported crimes against women.
you need talent and hard work. You bring along a wealth of knowledge and experience that makes you what you are, defines your personality but is that all that it takes to make an impression at work place or at personal acquaintances? It should be indeed but when you are asked to look your best too, you are left wondering what matters the most – your inner beauty or the outward grooming?
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